The thrilling true-story of a U.S Military suicide mission through miles of enemy, Vietcong infested tunnels. American forces are trapped on the edge of no-mans-land, facing danger amid a maze of tunnels as they pursue the Vietcong far below ground before a deadly secret can be exposed.
Movie Reviews
8 / 10
as a movie, it wasn’t bad…
But as propaganda it was GREAT…trying to make the presence of the United States justifiable, in a land they didn’t belong…especially after all these years, and after the Gulf of Tonkin incident being exposed as a hoax? Invading a land and killing people defending their county and their way of living, in my opinion, constitutes murder. No matter how many cool speeches are given to glorify/memorialize the dead soldiers that went. And how little these soldiers’s lives meant to ‘their own people’…? At least this movie didn’t shy away from showing THAT much…i wish that, like when i was a kid, i could just look at it as ‘a war movie’…but with all i know now, that’s far from being possible. As a movie, though, it was ok.