Amstel, the premium beer brand known for creating unforgettable experiences, premiered its groundbreaking new game show, Friends of Amstel: The Challenge, at an exclusive, star-studded watch party this evening. Held in the heart of Johannesburg, the event attracted an impressive lineup of guests and fans who eagerly gathered for a night of fun and friendship.
Attendees were treated to a pre-screening of episode 1 of Friends of Amstel: The Challenge – the first alcohol brand-owned long-form game show in SA. The show celebrates music while putting friendship to the ultimate test for bragging rights and a five-star Friends of Amstel travel experience! Each week, four friends go head-to-head with a celebrity and their crew in an electrifying clash of wits, bonds, and beats.
“There’s nothing quite like seeing our Friends of Amstel platform come to life as a brand-owned TV show, bringing well-known musicians and consumers together over some friendly competition, great music, and, of course, Amstel,” said Alicia Reddy, Amstel Senior Brand Manager. “We’re thrilled to bring this unique experience to our consumers and can’t wait for everyone to get hooked on the show.”
For those who missed out tonight, Friends of Amstel: The Challenge promises to be a must-watch. It launches this Saturday, 17 August, on eTV at 18:00, with a repeat on EReality on Sundays at 14:45. Be sure to tune in to the 13-part season to witness the friendships and laughter unfold!
Lucky watch party attendees also secured tickets to the Johannesburg edition of Friends of Amstel, set for Saturday, 9 November 2024.
“Both Friends of Amstel: The Challenge and our broader Friends of Amstel experiences are all about celebrating friendship and Amstel’s vibe of togetherness. By bringing people together through music, playful competition, and shared good times, we aim to create lasting memories that leave everyone uplifted. It’s the energy, the laughs, and the connections that make these moments unforgettable, and that’s what Amstel is all about”, concludes Reddy.
Follow the conversation on social media with the hashtag #FriendsOfAmstelSA and @AmstelSA and stay updated on all the latest news and exclusive content. Cheers to new experiences and unforgettable moments!
About Amstel:
Amstel is a premium beer brand that celebrates the timeless connections between friends over refreshing, high-quality brews. From its rich heritage to its commitment to creating unforgettable experiences, Amstel continues to bring friends together, one cheers at a time. Join us in celebrating the magic of friendships and the thrill of competition with Amstel! #FriendsOfAmstelSA