The Mabuza family finds themselves in a financial crisis, forcing Rebecca to sell their luxurious mansion. Shattered and feeling defeated, their situation takes an unexpected turn when Ntsimbi arrives in Esihlahleni—he is the one who bought their home. To their astonishment, Ntsimbi offers them a chance to stay, claiming he will not always be in Mpumalanga and needs someone to look after the house when he travels to KwaZulu-Natal.
However, Rebecca becomes suspicious of Ntsimbi’s sudden generosity. She instructs her trusted right-hand man to investigate him. Meanwhile, Ntsimbi begins spending time with Solomzi, which only heightens Rebecca’s anxiety. The investigation reveals that Ntsimbi is a chief in KZN, a successful businessman, and involved in the cattle trade. Even more shocking, he is the same man whose cattle were stolen in Esihlahleni years ago.
Rebecca quickly pieces together the truth: Ntsimbi is in town for revenge. She knows she is the one who wronged him years back by stealing his cattle. Fearing the worst, Rebecca confides in Solomzi, and the two hastily plan an escape in the dead of night, leaving Martha and Nka behind. But their plan fails spectacularly—Ntsimbi had anticipated their every move and was one step ahead.
Ntsimbi takes control of the situation, seizing everyone’s phones and revealing his true intentions. He is here because Rebecca’s former lover—the “Boy-Toy” from her past—is actually his son, now languishing in prison for a crime he did not commit. Rebecca framed him, and Ntsimbi is determined to make her pay. He plans to hold a mock trial, forcing Rebecca to confess to her crimes so he can free his son.
Will Ntsimbi succeed in getting justice for his son, or will Rebecca choose death over facing prison?
Find out on Isitha: The Enemy, weeknights at 9:30 PM on!
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