Another amazing and empowering girl child initiative brought to you by Youngage Foundations NPC together with SKEEMGP Foundations managed to successfully collaborate with Overland Hyper Castleview Germirston in ensuring school girls are fully supported with sanitary pads.
The successful event took place on the 10th May 2024 at Funabashi Secondary school.
The need for sanitary pads and access to sanitary pads is very important. Sanitary pads should be made easily accessible to a girl child at school.

SKEEMGP Foundations educated girls about personal hygiene and looking after their themselves. The foundations also sees the need to empower girl child out there with knowledge and wisdom on personal development and always maintaining a clean and healthy body.
Fumana Secondary School girls were excited to recieve the pads and the school Management thanked the foundations and sponsors. 200 girls received sanitary pads proudly sponsored and supported by Overland Hyper Castleview, Germirston.
Overland Hyper Castleview strongly believes in communities in SA and would want to continue supporting school children in need.

Louisa Molise founder of Youngage Foundations NPC has expressed her appreciation to Overland Hyper Castleview for the amazing support, and is looking forward to more collaboration that will bring impact and solutions to the communities in SA.