Dopamine is a neurotransmitter mistakenly called the happiness hormone. In fact, it’s a transmitter of a certain impulse between nerve cells, which is produced before one gets pleasure. If this happens frequently, and a person cannot control himself, he becomes addicted to a particular activity.
Dopamine fasting has become particularly popular with the development of HIW. This practice is widespread all over the world. It’s considered a real cure for burnout, as it promotes mental recovery.
Features of Such Fasting
Dopamine fasting is something that helps prevent and get rid of certain addictions. The source of the problem can be information, food, shopping, etc.
The purpose of the “diet” is not to reduce dopamine levels. It’s aimed at getting rid of the habit of having fun all the time. There are times when this is really necessary. But when having fun takes up most of the day, it isn’t the norm.
There are a total of 2 modes:
- This option involves giving up habits for a certain amount of time. At the same time, a small break for a maximum of 30 minutes is allowed. This is enough time to, for example, check your messages, play 22Bet online casino games, or flip through the news feed. In order not to miss a break, it’s necessary to set a timer.
- The minimum period is 1 day. This method allows you to completely get rid of habits, especially those that negatively affect your health. There are virtually no breaks for distractions.
If you follow the technique, you will be able to suppress impulsive behavior. In doing so, it’s by no means necessary to avoid everything that gives pleasure. To work through the problem, you should work exclusively on those habits that impair the quality of life. A “diet” is necessary to learn how to prioritize and spend your free time usefully. It can be spent on something more interesting: cooking, walking, reading, talking with loved ones, meditation, sports or creativity.
What to Give up
The basic problem consists in constant switching of attention, therefore in the first place dopamine starvation means refusal of the Internet. Working time should be organized so that at least 4 hours are occupied by useful things. It’s also recommended to refrain from:
- Video games.
- Online shopping.
- Spicy food.
- Junk food high in carbohydrates and fats.
- Unhealthy habits.
Key Benefits of Fasting
Experts say that such a “diet” has many benefits. Thanks to dopamine fasting:
- Self-esteem increases.
- Stress is minimized.
- Awareness, tranquility, and judgment develop.
- Increased productivity.
After “dieting”, the realization that it’s possible to be happy without stimulants and unnecessary sources of pleasure comes. Moreover, such starvation resets the brain and gives a mental rest. The dopamine “diet” is a method aimed at mental wellness. This practice can dramatically change the life of a person who wants to get rid of bad habits. The main thing is to choose a suitable schedule for yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation.